Primarily we are focused on supporting and empowering local people to create; care for and connect with nature.
So here is a brief explanation of each area and please look at our Projects page for more detailed information on all of our work.
Creating new woodlands & orchards
We work with land managers and communities to help them put ‘the right tree, in the right place, for the right reason‘ to help create beautiful, diverse and productive habitats for people and wildlife.
- collecting local native tree seeds and growing on to plant out in future woodlands through Seeds2Trees
- increasing the area of native woodlands by running community tree planting and maintenance events, e.g. Whitehills for Gateshead Council as part of the North East Community Forest
- We are always looking for new areas of land with public access to create new woodlands and community orchards. If you think you might be able to help, find out more here
Caring for existing woodlands
We work with managers and custodians to care sustainably for their woodlands and orchards
- Rekindle: working with small woodland managers to produce sustainable local firewood, charcoal and coppice products like hurdles, besoms, and bows
- We run coppicing and woodland management at our own Horsley Coppice and we ran the woodland volunteering programme for Woodland Trust in the North East until 2022
- Silvo-pasture, agroforestry, rewilding, and Miyawaki Tiny Forests are all areas of advice we offer for including more trees within farmed landscapes
ConnectING with nature
Through contact, emotion, beauty, meaning and compassion; the five ways that humans develop pro-nature behaviours and improve their mental well being. We deliver events based in this research by Derby University
- Branching Out: events and experiences
- Volunteering: tree planting days, orchard harvesting, seed growing, apple grafting
- Bringing woods into your life – donate, sign up to our newsletter, join our freelance team, buy local small woods products (coming soon)