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Aviva will match fund donations for tree seeds

We need to raise the funds so people can grow more trees. And thanks to a fantastic offer from the Aviva Community Fund we can double our efforts this autumn.

We are welcoming the offers from families, individuals, schools and community groups who will take our starter kits and begin growing the next woodland of trees from seed. But we have to raise the money to make it all happen in the first place.
Now Aviva, the UK’s biggest life insurer, is offering to match our donations for the next six weeks that are given to help raise the money we need to see a third round of SEEDS2TREES possible. Their community fund helps local causes build stronger communities across the UK through providing funds and volunteers.
So can you help us please? Every pound does make  a difference –  in fact, £40 can get a full growing kit and the seeds into a home, a school, or a community group, and provide some support for our growers.

Donations to help us grow trees from seeds

Donations to help us grow trees from seeds

SEEDS2TREES is made possible with the perfect balance of tree growers, voluntary assistance, gifts-in-kind, and money, and together we are able to “grow the change we need”.
We all know that trees are vital. They’re our lungs, our guardians, our health service and wildlife champions. And we need more of them. Now YOU can play a part and help more British native trees to be grown that will be planted and grown on to improve biodiversity and help fight climate change.
The money is needed for:
* The seeds and growing kits – ideally for another 200 batches
* The educational resources
* Distribute and collection
* Support
Here’s how you can help. See the donation page here:—progressing-the-change-we-need
And for more details about how to can become actively involved, see

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